John Smotherman: Speaker, Writer, and Consciousness Coach

John's expertise is applied consciousness, using consciousness as a means to achieve more...
John Smotherman

more power, peace, and joy 

John has been an ardent student of consciousness for over 25 years.  He has pursued a life-long passion for understanding and harnessing the amazing power of consciousness.  He has spent several years as a family lawyer in a virtual laboratory of what can go wrong in people’s lives and relationships.  Family law also provided the perfect venue for observing the interplay of social and individual consciousness.

John has studied extensively in the fields of religion, philosophy, mysticism, spirituality, psychology, social science, physics and metaphysics.  He draws out the uniting common thread ~ consciousness, and displays its workings in clear, bold terms.  Drawing on his expertise, John conducts workshops and seminars on applied consciousness methods, and provides consciousness coaching for individuals.  He is also the founder of The Consciousness Project, a social-philosophical meetup group whose purpose was to advance personal and global consciousness.

Energy is the fabric of the universe, and consciousness is the weaver of the future.   ~ John Smotherman

According to John…

Understanding ourselves as conscious beings, and understanding how consciousness works, opens the door for us to experience and express the entire potential of who we are.  No other endeavor is more capable of unleashing our full personal power, multiplying our peace and joy, and providing us with a richly satisfying life.

Let John guide your audience on a tour de force of personal discovery, elevation and empowerment. 

Consciousness Paradigm


John Smotherman is a life-long student of consciousness, and author of The Consciousness Paradigm.  He also works as a family lawyer. Family law has provided an intensive education in everything that could go   wrong in relationships.  It also provided insight into the interaction of individual consciousness and the collective consciousness as manifested through government.  As the intersection between the mind and reality, our consciousness impacts every part of our life experience, activities and relationships.  John brings to bear three thousand years of human wisdom on the subject, his experience, and insight, to teach people how to train their minds to most effectively and quickly achieve the life they want.  John writes about, speaks, and coaches people on how to liberate and super-fuel their minds in order to achieve their dreams.

John Smotherman
