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Book:  The Consciousness Paradigm 

The Consciousness Paradigm is a synthesis of 3,000 years of human wisdom on consciousness and how to use it to improve our lives.  Much common ground is shared by the great visionary leaders that have helped move humanity forward.  This book focuses on that common ground of understanding, and how to use this wisdom to improve our lives, and the world in which we live.  Here are a few examples of topics covered:

  • I show you some serious shortcuts to living an amazing life.
  • I explain how to retrain your mind to make yourself a happier, more successful person.
  • I explain 21 specific skills you can learn that will make your mind power sky-rocket.
  • I explain how to take the crap in your life and trn it into tools that will improve your life instead. 
  • I explain how to transform fear, anger, and a lack of control, into peace, compassion, and an inspiration for others. 
  • I explain what you can expect from relationships, based on the other person’s level of consciousness
  • I walk you through the Sunrise Meditation Method, one of the most effective ways of increasing your mind power. 
  • I explain transitioning from small mind to big mind.
  • I map out the most powerful areas of the mind, that most people never actually use.

The book includes a step by step, easily  followed plan for raising consciousness.  It also has thought provoking discussion questions at the end of each chapter to facilitate group  discussions and understanding of the principles covered.


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